Thursday, June 23, 2011

Trainers, Tips, and Techniques

Firstly: big thanks to Meagan Smetana for agreeing to an interview! The results to the interview should be up soon, as will a profile of Meagan, including more information about her current cardio kickboxing lessons.

Now, time for tips and techniques. I had a question about the core exercises. According to this site, Megan Fox's core exercises consist of three to five sets, a two minute rest, and then a repeat of the sets. These sets consist of planks, hanging leg raises, oblique crunches, and lying leg raises.

The planks were my personal favorite. As tacky as this site looks (and ignoring the somewhat sketchy looking diet pill advice), they give a pretty good explanation of planks. The list at the bottom of the page gives a bunch of other good ideas.

If you have an exercise ball on hand, pike rolls are also a good workout. This video shows the proper technique. I'll admit, the first go around they kind of suck. But they make a difference.

The nice thing about core workouts is that there are so many different ways to do it. It's never the same thing two days in a row. If you're like me and easily bored with stuff, it's a pretty good solution.

Thanks again Meagan! Finally, a professional opinion on the Megan Fox experiment.

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