Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Introducing VB6

What do Avril Lavigne, Natalie Portman, Weird Al, Leonardo da Vinci, and Tobey Maguire all have in common?

Well, according to this list, they are all on or have been on a vegan diet. Vegan diet as in no meat, no fish,  no eggs, no butter, no animal products. None. Zero.

Sounds like fun right?

At least I'm already half way there (I've been a vegetarian for years). And I'm not going to go totally vegan. Instead, I'm adopting Mark Bittman's vegan before six plan ( the post title starting to make more sense?). The diet? You go vegan...until six.

Why am I doing this? Let's be honest, vegan before six isn't nearly as sexy as Megan Fox dieting, nearly as radical as Rihanna dieting, or nearly as ridiculous as the grapefruit diet.

As it turns out, there are some actual models who are vegans. So How to Eat Like a Model is actually *gasp* going to eat like a handful of models. Also, let me reintroduce Skinny Bitch. The book is basically a call to arms for vegans. So maybe I'm cheating by eating animal product after six but...

Michael Pollan (author of all those fabulous food books, including In Defense of Food) would say that it's not a bad thing to 'cheat' like this. "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants" encourages me to eat food, not too much, and MOSTLY plants. Not all plants, mostly plants. Mostly plants I can do. I think...

Anyways, I'm starting tomorrow (wish me luck). For the next week or so you can expect....

1) Reviews of Skinny Bitch chapters. Yes, I'll acutally follow through with that.
2) VB6 updates. Which sounds really cool, like it's some kind of James Bond code. Too bad it's just a lot of plants.

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